A weekly review is a productivity ritual that recurs every week. While your weekly review will be highly personalized based on your own needs, they typically aim to: 1. recall and take stock of the recent past 2. reflect and learn based on what we now know 3. create a plan rooted in our priorities for the future [Click here](https://docs.google.com/document/u/2/d/1JRZ3TYZE7PMplrgJdgBCqiRlo02sQv1shS0KLsvWkZg/copy) for a Google Doc template for a fast way to get started creating your own weekly review. Below are some possible actions and reflection questions you may want to incorporate into your weekly review. ## Recall and take stock of the recent past ### Actions - [ ] Collect all the notes, books, receipts, etc. lying around and put them in your physical inbox - [ ] Move everything from your computer desktop into your digital inbox - [ ] Move everything from your Downloads folder into your digital inbox - [ ] Move all your open tabs to your digital inbox and then close those tabs - [ ] Review your calendar for the past week for any tasks or information. Those tasks or information can be added to your inbox - [ ] Review your journal for the week. Add any tasks or information to your inbox - [ ] Review your daily notes for the week. Add any tasks or information to your inbox - [ ] Review your financials for the past week ## Reflect and learn based on what we now know ### Actions - [ ] Write down any thoughts, ideas, things you want to do, etc., each on a separate piece of paper, and put them into your physical inbox - [ ] Type out any thoughts, ideas, things you want to do, etc. and save them into your digital inbox - [ ] Review your calendar for the upcoming two weeks for any tasks or information. Those tasks or information can be added to your inbox - [ ] Review your waiting-for list. Add a reminder to follow up with people whom you want to follow up with to your inbox - [ ] Review your someday/maybe list. Add things that you want to do now to your inbox. Delete things you're no longer interested in pursuing - [ ] Process your physical inbox - [ ] Process your digital inbox - [ ] Review your list of projects and ensure each one has at least one next action ### Reflection questions - What did you accomplish this week that would be useful to add to your resume? To bring up in a performance conversation with your boss? To add to your testimonials page? - What unexpected hurdles and interruptions did you encounter? How did you respond to them? Looking back, would you have responded the same way? Why? - What tasks did you complete this week? What value did each task bring? Which tasks were worth doing? Which were not? - What tasks did you complete this week? What goals or roles did each contribute to? - What went according to plan this week? What didn't go according to plan? Why? - What gave me energy this week? What depleted my energy this week? - What were your top priorities? What progress did you make on them? - How well did you stick to your schedule/plan this week? Why? - What meetings did not benefit from my attendance? - What could I have done differently this week? - What did I change my mind about this week? - What have you been putting off repeatedly? - What took longer than expected this week? - What were my biggest wins this week? - What am I most grateful for this week? - What surprised me this week? - What inspired me this week? - How did I feel this week? ## Create a plan rooted in our priorities for the future ### Actions - [ ] Review your to-do list and make a list of your most important tasks for the upcoming week - [ ] Schedule buffer time into your calendar for any surprises/interruptions that may come up throughout the week - [ ] Schedule your most important tasks for the upcoming week directly into your calendar ### Reflection questions - What is my priority for the coming week? - What would make the next week less stressful? - What would inspire me to keep going this week? - What tasks are not important? Do I need to do those? - What are your most important tasks and events this week? - What tasks are urgent and important? When will I do those? - What tasks are urgent but not important? Can I delegate those? - What relationships, responsibilities, and goals would most benefit from my attention this week?